Arriving from the big screen, Ralph Fiennes has adapted Shakespeare's Coriolanus for a modern audience and despite being considered a minor Shakespeare play the film received fantastic reviews. It stars Fiennes and Gerald Butler as former enemies who join together to seize their destiny. We Need to Talk About Kevin may not take place on a battlefield but it is perhaps an equally bruising story of a mother's relationship with her evil son.
On a lighter note, if the Hanson Brothers are your favorite hockey players you will want to check out the hockey comedy Goon, about a player drafted solely for his fighting skills. It will make a great double feature with Slap Shot!
Two musical icons are profiled this week in two separate dvds. Carol Channing's colorful career is surveyed with anecdotes from many of her partners-in-performance in Carol Channing : Larger Than Life. Also, Harry Belafonte is profiled, from performance to politics, in Sing Your Song.
If you're looking for new tv series we have two this week. Fans of the series House you should try the BBC medical drama Monroe in which James Nesbitt stars as a cynical neurosurgeon working in Leeds. Or for a series that takes place closer to home, try the AMC series Hell On Wheels, which is a Western set in the time immediately following the Civil War. In Hell On Wheels, a Confederate soldier seeks revenge on the Union soldiers who murdered his wife. AMC has been putting out one quality series after the other, with Mad Men and Breaking Bad leading the pack.
Lovers of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera who have longed to find out what happened to the Phantom and Christine after the musical ends will finally have their chance with Love Never Dies. Andrew Lloyd Webber's follow-up to Phantom hasn't yet hit Broadway so the DVD might be your only chance to see it for some time!
Upcoming film programs
We've got a special Monday afternoon Talking Pictures screening of The Chorus, a French film about the power of transformation through song. It will be in the Hammond Room at 1:00 on Monday, June 4th and will be followed by a discussion. Also, Movies on the Green will be back on Friday, June 8th, with The Muppets screening on Wyman Green at dusk.
Get in shape for summer!
Have you gotten your beach body out of storage yet? Why not check out one of our exercise DVDs? All of our informational DVDs are free and older ones check out for two weeks. We've got yoga, zumba, pilates, dance workouts and more!